Life Purpose

One of the most profound questions in life is to understand our purpose, and to locate that foundation from which we can confidently live out our lives.

Most of us intuitively sense a deep down level of discord in this part of our lives. The feeling around this topic often rest just below the surface of our lives. We often don’t feel comfortable admitting our doubts, even to our closest of friends. But the feelings remain, periodically surfaced when we experience a life event such as marriage,  the birth of a child, or while experiencing a tragedy or personal loss.

During these moments we suddenly see the many unsatisfactory options we’ve been presented with in life that cover the gamut, from believing that the answer is simply that we are a product of an unguided naturalistic process that denies any existence of a spiritual realm, to other solutions that incorporate a hybrid answer that acknowledges a spiritual aspect of life, but incorporates a dependence upon ourselves for eternal security and purpose.

Then there are those that have simply given up. They’ve surrendered to self-destructive behaviors that include, but are not limited to chemical abuse, pornography, or injuring their own bodies as last desperate call.

At FullLifeWord we know the true purpose of life, and we know where every person can find that sense of purpose and eternal peace.

You and I are not a product of some unguided process, in fact we are specially created and unique among all living creatures. We intuitively sense this reality, even if we have difficulties articulating it in words.

The scriptures tell us that “everything comes from God alone, everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory.” (Romans 11:36 LB)

To help us better understand this idea in terms we could grasp, God allowed himself to come among us in human form, as Jesus Christ. Through Jesus, we are invited to enjoy the Heavenly Father, to bring glory and worship Him. In all of this, our motivation to do so is driven by love, first His love for us, followed by our love as a reflection back to Him. He does not compel us to love Him, because an unwilling love motivated by fear or duty, is not love at all.

All of humanity is afflicted with a condition known as sin. Sin is a word that literally means “missing the mark.”  In simple terms, it means that none of us qualify to enter Heaven when our bodies die. If that was all there was, then life would be pretty meaningless. But the good news is that Jesus allowed himself to become a perfect sacrifice, to die by the hands of his own creation, and then to take up his life three days later. In so doing, he has paid the entrance fee for us to be allowed into Heaven when our bodies die. He redeemed us from an eternity separated from God.

How do we accept this redemption?  The scriptures share that we must confess that Jesus is our Lord, but more than words, our heart must surrender also. We must choose to genuinely believe that the work Christ did on the cross was sufficient, and that God raised him from the dead.

“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” (Romans 10:9-10)

We are saved because of God’s grace and by no effort on our own.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—“ Ephesians 2:8

Talk to God by praying to him (Prayer is just talking to God just like you would speak to any other person.)  and tell him that you would like to surrender your life to Jesus completely and fully.

If you don’t have a prayer specifically in mind, pray the following prayer:

“Dear God, I know that Jesus is your son and that he died and rose again, and in so doing overcame death itself. Because I am not perfect, I need the perfect sacrifice of Jesus to redeem me before you. I ask Jesus to enter my heart, and I am willing to change the direction of my life by acknowledging Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and by choosing to turn away from those things that displease you. Thank you for redeeming me, and for giving me eternal life and hope. In Jesus name, amen.”

After praying this prayer it would be good to seek out a church in your area in which to spend time and grow in your new found faith.

At FullLifeWord, we would also strongly encourage you to obtain a copy of a Bible, and a book by Pastor Rick Warren entitled “The Purpose Driven Life.” Pastor Warren’s book is a great resource for those either considering a decision, or perhaps you prayed the above prayer and need to better understand the next steps related to your decision.


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